MySSI's Auto Archive Feature
What if you make a major mistake and then run update? Oops!
MySSI is designed to automatically copy that mistake to every page
in your website. Right?

Fear Not! MySSI also includes an archive command that is
automatically run prior to every global update. You can recover any
file at any time by merely copying it back to the Client
The archive process compares the files in the Client directory to
the Client.arc directory. When it recognizes a change, the existing
file in the Client.arc directory is renamed with the format
where zzz pushes the archives to the end of the list and ### is one
higher than the current highest archive version number.
Because the archive process uses the prefix zzz. to create its archives,
any files that begin with that prefix will be ignored during the archive
MySSI also maintains a complete log of all of your changes. This log is
kept in "logfiles/YYMMDDMySSI.log".
Again, since the archive process ignores files that begin with the
zzz.ver prefix, this file should never be overwritten.