The Messengers
Shuffle the message tiles and stack them facedown within easy reach of all players. Each player places the messenger of their color on the 0 space on the scoreboard. Each player should now have one meeple and one messenger on the scoreboard.
Game Play
Whenever you score points, you must choose to move either your scoring meeple or your messenger forward along the scoreboard. If, during your turn (and only during your turn), your scoring meeple or your messenger moves to and stops on one of the dark spaces (0, 5, 10, 15, etc.), immediately draw and resolve one message. To resolve a message, you must either:
- Perform the action shown on the message.
- Score 2 points (as shown in the bottom-right of the message tile.)
In both cases, the message tile is then placed facedown at the bottom of the stack.
Personal Note: What if we placed the used messages face up next to the face down deck, then when the face down deck is empty, re-shuffle all the messages so the messages remain random!
Message Tiles
(1) Shortest Road: Choose a road on which you have a highwayman (you do not need to control the road). If you have a highwayman on more than one road, you must choose the road that would be worth the fewest points. An unfinished road with an inn is worth zero. Determine the chosen road's score as you would during final scoring, and you score that many points. Your highwayman remains on the road. |
(6) 2 Points per Knight: You score 2 points for each of your knights. Your knights remain on their cities.
Any meeples placed on a monastery within a city will be monks and will not be counted as knights. These are examples of monasteries within a city from Exp. 3 and Exp. 8 where a monk can be placed within a city: |
(2) Smallest City: The same as Message 1, but for cities, instead of roads. Unfinished Cathedrals are worth zero. |
(5) 2 Points per Coat of Arms: For each coat of arms in cities where you have at least one knight (you do not need to control the city), you score 2 points. |
(3) Smallest Monastery: The same as Message 1, but for monasteries instead of roads, includes Abbeys, but not gardens. |
(7) 2 Points per Farmer: You score 2 points for each of your farmers. Your farmers remain on their fields. |
(4) Add a Landscape Tile: Draw one tile and place it, using normal rules. You may also place a meeple (or other special figure) on it, also using normal rules.
The placement of this tile follows a normal turn with all its phases. The placement of this extra tile may even become a double turn. The player may also receive additional messages.
As in a normal turn, players may decide to use a tile in their supply instead of drawing a new one, such as an Abbey ot Halfling. |
(8) Score a Meeple and Return it to your Supply: Choose one of your meeples in the play area. If you have the majority in the feature where this meeple is, score the area as you would at the end of the game but only you get points. Then return only your meeple that was on the feature back to your supply, even if it didn't score any points. Any other meeples belonging to you or other players remain on the feature, as it is still incomplete.
Any bonus points associated to the meeple being removed will be scored as if at the end of the game, such as the fairy 3-point scoring bonus or the ringmaster bonus. |
Note that you can score 0 points. This scenario may cover:
- A highwayman on road with an inn
- A knight in city with a cathedral
- A farmer in field with no completed cities
- A mayor in city with no coats of arms
Of course, choosing to do this rather than take the 2 points in the seal would be an odd tactical decision...