How to use overlays to create/make your own personal tiles
I personally use the
Firefox web browser to create my own personal Carcassonne tiles. All
of the other web browsers only allow you to take a Full-Page Screenshot
of the tile image that you create, then you will have to use some form
of image editing software to trim your personal tile from that
FullPage image.
With Firefox, you can create your base tile image as large as you want,
then, overlay as many transparent background images that you want
onto the base tile
where each overlay can be independently zoomed and rotated. When you are
satisfied with the final tile image, right click on an empty space on
your page and select "Take Screenshot" from the pop up window. Then,
merely move your mouse over a non-overlaid portion of your final image
and click your mouse again.
Once you are satisfied
that you have selected your desired tile, select
either download to create a .png file in your download directory, or
select copy so you can paste the tile into your image editing software.
An extremely important feature of the Firefox Screenshot software is that
the entire image does not have to be visible on your computer screen to
take the screenshot of that image, so you can make your final image as
large as you want, even if it does not fit on your computer screen!
Remember, the most important factor to consider when making your own
tiles is to
start with the highest image resolution as possible. A pixel
is a single dot on your computer screen and there are 96 pixels per
inch, 170.323 dots per tile at a screen resolution of 100%. Most of
today's printers are 600 dots per inch, 1,064 dots per tile!
One of the best features for using an HTML file to create your personal
tiles is that each element that you are placing on your tile does not
have to be the same resolutions.
Lets start this creating a personal tile process with the HTML
head / style section that we need:
We need to redefine the styles so that the standard table and data
commands will not have any extra spacing, and we also want to create
an overlay area within the table. But we do not need to create the
class names for double printing the final tile.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Carcassonne fan tiles</TITLE>
/* display tiles in a table with no extra spacing */
table.Tiles { border-collapse:collapse;
padding:0px; border:0px; margin:0px; }
table.Tiles td { border-collapse:collapse;
padding:0px; border:0px; }
/* allow multiple images to be printed on top of each other */
td.overlay { position: relative; left: 0; top: 0;
vertical-align:top; }
What if you want to use this Overlay coding to create your own personal
Family Feud tile with a Monastery? These are the images that you might
have to work with, but they seem to be all different "dots per inch"
![](Make/FFFC.jpg) 260 x 260 |
| ![](Make/RYfam.gif) 54 x 62 |
| ![](Make/Monastery.gif) 123 x 135 |
| ![](Make/Smiley.gif) 120 x 100 |
All of the images that you use to create your personal tile should be as
large and detailed as possible, so it is very likely that each image
will not have the same “dots per inch” ratio. For that reason, you
might have to adjust the width and/or height of each overlaid image to
match the DPI of your basic tile, then use the top/left style coding to
overlay your image where you want on the base tile. Using the
following HTML code:
<table class=tiles>
<td class=overlay><img src=Make/FFFC.jpg width=260>
<img src=Make/RYfam.gif width=40
style="position:absolute; top:125; left:8;">
<img src=Make/Monastery.gif width=123
style="position:absolute; top:110; left:110;">
<img src=Make/Smiley.gif width=40
style="position:absolute; top:10; left:200;">
Note: The first <td class=overlay><img
that you display will be the full size of your final tile image with
all of the overlaid image on top of it.
After all three of the overlaid images have been resized and properly
positioned on top of the base tile image, this is the final image that
is created.
Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge do not include the ability to take a
“Screenshot” of an image which has been overlaid with other images.
SO, Using the Firefox Browser, you can right click a blank area
on the page to get the following pop up display:
Then click "Take Screenshot" to see the following:
As you move you mouse over the image (and overlaid images) you will
When your mouse is hovering over the background image with the other
three overlaid images displayed on top of it, click your mouse and
the screen will change to:
You can now click Copy and paste the result into your digital editing
software. Also note that you are getting the screen image, not just
the raw background images. If, in Firefox, you change the zoom of your
display with a series of Cntrl+ clicks, you will get a higher
resolution for your final image.
Note: the Firefox screenshot will include every displayable
pixel that you see on the screen, even if the displayed image is so
large that the entire image does not display on your browser's
<td class=overlay><img src=Make/FFFC.jpg width=260>
<img src=Make/RYfam.gif width=40
style="position:absolute; top:125; left:8;">
<img src=Make/Monastery.gif width=123
style="position:absolute; top:110; left:110;">
<img src=Make/Smiley.gif width=40
style="position:absolute; top:10; left:200;">
Now, let's look at how the 123 x 135 pixel Monastery can be resized on
the final tile image. If you only resize the width or height of the
image, the web browser will automatically resize the other dimension
the same ratio. But you can resize both dimensions by different ratios
which will then alter the overall image. There are also a large variety
of other variations that can be performed with other HTML style
Full Size
![](Make/Monastery.gif) |
| About 75%
![](Make/Monastery.gif) |
| Height 75% Full Width
![](Make/Monastery.gif) |
| Full Size Rotated 30°
![](Make/Monastery.gif) |
src=Monastery.gif |
| src=Monastery.gif width=92 |
| src=Monastery.gif width=123 height=101 |
| src=Monastery.gif
style="transform: rotate(30deg);" |
The Monastery at the top of the tile has been resized to 75% of it's
original size, 92 pixels wide and 101 pixels high. The Monastery at
the bottom of the tile remains 123 pixels wide, only it's height has
been reduced to 75%, 101 pixels high!
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