The Festival

The Festival expansion was originally designed in 2011 to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Carcassonne game. The graphics have been updated multiple times, but they are not available on-line in high resolution. That is why we decided to create our own C2 versions of the tiles. Hold your mouse over Festival image on the right side of this page to see the original C1 tiles.

1. Placing a Tile

When you draw a tile with a festival symbol on it, you should place the tile according to the usual rules.

2. Placing a Meeple

The player must then choose either:

  • Deploy one of your own figures to the tile in the usual way.
  • Return one of your own figures 1 2 3 from the entire playing area to your supply. 4 5

The player can also choose to do neither of the above. Note that you are not allowed to place a meeple on the Festival itself.

Captured followers (from The Tower expansion) cannot be returned to the player's supply in this way.

3. Scoring

When you complete one or more areas (e.g. a monastery, a road etc.) by placing a Festival tile, you score them according to the normal rules.

Final scoring

There is no additional scoring at the end of the game with the Festival tiles.


  1. All of your own figures are meant here, including normal and large meeples, wagon, mayor, builder, pig, barn, shepherd, phantom, abbot, and ringmaster.
  2. No scoring would be applicable to any meeple or special figure, including the abbot and the shepherd. Note that it would be odd to use this expansion to remove an abbot meeple, as it has its own retrieval mechanism that involves scoring
  3. A player cannot return another player's meeple to them. Also, a player cannot return a neutral figure (such as the fairy or the dragon).
  4. If the Festival is used to remove a meeple, the fairy cannot be moved, as an action was still taken in phase 2. Place a Meeple.
  5. If the Festival is used to remove a meeple, the Phantom can still be placed on that turn.
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