In this mini expansion, timing is everything. When the drawbridge is
down, you can move from the road into the city to score additional
If you close a road that leads to a drawbridge, you first score the
road as usual. Then you have to check whether the drawbridge is up or
- Once the city with the drawbridge is completed, the drawbridge is
up and nothing else happens.
- If you complete the road and also the city at the same time with
a drawbridge tile, then the city is completed, and the drawbridge is
up so nothing else happens.
- If the city is still incomplete, then the drawbridge is down, and
it can be used:
- If more than one player has the majority on the road, no player
can move their meeple into the city.
- The single player with the majority on the road leading to
the drawbridge, may move their meeples from that road into the
city. It doesn't matter who completed the road or if
there are already meeples (theirs or someone else's) already in
the city or not.
- Meeples include: Normal, Large, Wagon, Ringmaster, and
Phantom. They do not include: Builder, Fairy, Mage, and Witch.
- Special case: If there are several drawbridges on the road,
the majority player may decide in which of the incomplete cities
they place their
meeple in. If they have more than one meeple on the road, they may
decide for each one whether they want to move it to one of the
incomplete cities, or take it back. If they move several meeples,
they may place them all in one or in different incomplete
- Only the player with the majority on a completed road can move
from the road, over the down drawbridge, into the city. And, the
majority player can also choose which city tile each of their
meeples will land on.
Example 1: You place this tile and complete the road that leads to the drawbridge and score 2 points for this. After that you move your meeple from the road to this incomplete city. |
Example 2: With your tile, you complete the road, which has drawbridges on both ends leading to incomplete cities. You score 6 points for the road, because you have the majority. Blue scores no points and takes their meeple back. You have 2 meeple on this road. You decide to move one of them to the bigger city and return the other one back to your supply. |
If more than one player has the majority on the road, no player can move their meeple to the city.