NOTE: The final creation of your personal scoreboard requires a monitor that can display a 1242 x 828 pixel image, but all of the work leading up to actually printing the image can be done on a smaller monitor, just reduce the zoom factor while you are designing your scoreboard. When you are done, just copy your Tile1 directory to a thumb drive so you can display your scoreboard on a computer with a larger monitor. Then you can use any image editor, like Microsoft Paint, to save your scoreboard as a JPEG file.
Step 1: Create an empty working directory on your PC, for example, "Tile1".
Step 2: Display the Carcassonne Tiles, then, Depending on your browser/operating system
Corner Tiles
River Tiles
Edge Tiles
Overlay Tiles
Scoreboard and Grid displayed at 25%,
But they can still be dragged or copied as is
After copying all of these image files to your Tile1 directory,
Step 3: Create an empty "MyBoard.txt" in your Tile1 directory
Step 4: Use notebook to open your MyBoard.txt file
Step 5: Click "Display HTML Code" in your byo page
After copying the blue HTML code to the MyBoard.txt file in your Tile1 directory,
Step 6: Copy the blue HTML Code to your MyBoard.txt file and save it.
Step 7: Rename your MyBoard.txt file to MyBoard.htm.
Step 8: Change to your Tile1 directory and double click the MyBoard.htm file
Your display should look like this:
but about 4 times larger
Now it is time to create your HTML files, BUT, this cannot be done with the same drag and drop process used for copying the tiles to your directory!
For each of the following htm file links:
Repeat this process for as many of the scoreboard sample files as you want to copy.
Basic.htm 2Rivers.htm 3Rivers.htm InnCath.htm RivInn.htm
If all the files are now in your Tile1 folder, you can follow this link back to the HowToBYO Page.